The California Naturalist Program

Pt. Reyes


The California Naturalist Certificate (offered by University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources) is awarded to students who fulfill the requirements outlined in EVS 110 (a course offered at LTCC every spring term). Students are required to devote at least 8 hours to a class project that benefits LTCC and enhances educational opportunities for future naturalists and local residents.

The goal of our class project is to create a growing "Naturalist Library" that can be accessed through LTCC's website. The "library" will contain naturalist presentations and demonstrations anyone can use to enhance their practice. Much of what a naturalist knows has been passed down from other naturalists. We can contribute to this body of knowledge by putting our class presentations on display. In this way, others will be able to learn from our experiences. This project transforms LTCC students into the teachers of the next generation. This library will continue to grow over time. Naturalist presentations have been grouped into the general categories below for quicker referencing.