Open Educational Resources

Lake Tahoe Community College is excited to be part of the Open Educational Resources initiative, working to adopt free or reasonably priced textbooks and other course materials. LTCC's faculty is working to look at OER options so students have easier access to an affordable education. Many of the courses offered at LTCC come with quality textbooks and learning materials that are free to access online and low cost to purchase as a paper copy. LTCC was granted an award to fund the research that will help with the adoption of OER materials. This funding comes from AB 798, the California congressional bill that supports OER.

Instructors are working hard to identify OER materials that are of equal or higher quality compared to the more expensive materials sold by regular publishers. Typically, an instructor will put together a package of OER course materials that are accessible online for free or at a greatly reduced price. Students who want a paper version will be able to purchase the materials through eCampus at a cost that is much less than traditional course materials. LTCC's library also has copies that students can check out and use in the library, or for the entire quarter. OER materials could potentially save students thousands of dollars during their academic career at LTCC.
There are several websites that host OER materials. Your instructor will include information on the website to go to and will assist you in finding navigating to the site. Some such sites are:
  • LibreTexts:  A collection of OER textbooks, ancillary materials and an online homework system that faculty can remix and edit.
  • Cool4Ed: California Open Online Library for Education, a great resource for information about OER and how it is being implemented in California.  
  • A peer reviewed collection of OER materials from all subjects.
  • Open Stax: A collection of OER textbooks.
  • OER Commons: A collection of OER materials searchable by subject
  • OpenOregon: Courses in Oregon that have adopted OER materials
  • OpenUMB: A nice search tool for finding resource
  • Listserve Conversations: A collection of the successful conversations on finding OER materials by discipline.
  • California Community College Open Educational Resources:  A list of resources that are used by CCC classes.
ANT 101:  Introduction to Acrhaeology:  Conceptual & Creative:  Canvas Course
ANT 103:  Physical/Biological Anthropology:  Explorations: An Invitation to Biological Anthropology
ANT/ETH 109:  Anthropology of Native America:  Native Peoples of North America
ASL 101:  American Sign Language 1:  Textbook and Video Collection
ASL 102:  American Sign Language 2:
ASL 106:  Fingerspelling:  Fingerspelling - A Mindful Approach
ASL 108:  American Deaf Culture 1:
ASL 201:  American Sign Language 4:  
BIO 101:  Principles of Biology 1: Biology
BIO 102:  Principles of Biology 2: Biology
BIO 103:  Principles of Biology 3: Biology
BIO 110:  Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts of Biology
BIO 111:  Introduction to Plant and Animal Biology: Concepts of Biology
BIO 120:  Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology: Anatomy and Physiology
BIO 121:  Musculoskeletal Anatomy: Anatomy and Physiology
BIO 142:  EMT/Firefighter Anatomy and Physiology: Anatomy and Physiology
BIO 149:  Ecology
BIO 201:  Botany:  Plant Biology
BIO 203: Human Anatomy and Physiology 1:
BIO 204: Human Anatomy and Physiology 2:  
BIO 205: Human Anatomy and Physiology 3: 
BIO 210: Microbiology: Boundless Microbiology
BIO 212: Zoology
BSN 100:  Introduction to Business:  Introduction to Business
BSN 101A:  Business Law:  Introduction to Law and Business Transactions:  Business Law I Essentials
BSN 102:  Business Information Processing Systems
BSN 104:  Business Communication:  Business Communication for Success
BSN 107:  Business Law:  Intro to Legal:  Business Law I Essentials
BSN 110A:  Financial Accounting I:  Principles of Accounting,  Finanial Accounting
BSN 110B:  Financial Accounting II:  Principles of Accounting,  Managerial Accounting
BSN 110C:  Financial Accounting III:  Principles of Accounting,  Managerial Accounting
BSN 120:  Human Resource Management:  Human Resource Management
BSN 122:  Organizational Behavior:  Organizational Behavior
BSN 210:  Entrepreneurship
CCJ 101:  Introduction to Criminal Justice:  American Criminal Justice System
CHM 101-103:  General Chemistry:  Atoms First
CHM 100,116,117:  Introductory Chemistry:  LibreText's ChemWiki
CIS 106:  Microsoft Azure Fund (ZTC Materials Porvided
CIS 120 A,B,C:  Computer Programming
CRJ 102:  Criminal Law:  Criminal Law by Storm
CRJ 103:  Introduction to Evidence:  Criminal Procedure by Storm
CRJ 104:  Criminal Court Process:  Criminal Procedure by Storm
CRJ 108:  Juvenile Law and Procedures:  Taylor
CUL 101:  An Introduction to the Culinary Arts Profesion:  Canvas Course
CUL 102:  Principle and Practices of Food Preparation:  Canvas Course
CUL 103:  Food Sanitation and Safety:  Canvas Course
CUL 104:  An Introduction to the Baking and Pastry Arts:  Canvas Course
CUL 107:  Culinary Nutrition:  Canvas Course
CUL 108:  Advanced Culinary Methods and Concepts:  Canvas Course
CUL 109:  American Regional and International Cuisine:  Canvas Course
ECE 100:  Health Saftey and Nutrition:  Health Safety and Nutrition by Jennifer Paris
ECE 101:   Principles and Practices of Teaching Young Children:  On OER Commons, Principles and Practices of Teaching Young Children
ECE 102:  Child/Adolescent Growth/Development:  Child Growth and Development Understanding the Whole Child OER Book
ECE 103:  Child Family and Community:  Child Family and Community
ECE 110:  Introduction to Curriculum:  Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs, Third edition by Carol Copple and Sue Bredekemp + Other articles  Introduction to Curriculum OER Book Version 1.2
ECE 120:  Creative Experiences for Young Children:  No Textbook Required
ECE 121:  Math and Science Experiences for Young Children:  Teaching Math and Science to Young Children
ECE 125:  Positive Child Guidance:  No Textbook Required
ECE 126:  Teaching in a Diverse Society:  The Role of Diversity and Equity in Early Childhood Education
ECE 127:  Infant Toddler Development and Care:  Infant Toddler Development and Care
ECE 129:  The Exceptional Child:  No Textbook Required
ECE 202:  Practicum in Early Childhood Programs:  Practicum in EC Programs
ECE 203:  Administration I Programs in Early Childhood Education:  Canvas Commons
ECE 204:  Administration II:  Personel and Leadership in Early Childhood Education:  Canvas Commons
ECE 205:  Administration III: Adult Supervision and Mentoring in Early Care and Education:  Canvas Commons
ECO 101:  Principles of Macroeconomics:  Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 102:  Principles of Microeconomics:  Principles of Microeconomics
ENG 101:  Reading and Composition: Face to Face and Online
ENG 101:  Reading and Composition: Muhm's List
ENG 103:  Critical Reasoning, Writing the Research Paper:  Methods of Discovery
ENG 159:  Expanded Reading/Composition:  Not Textbook Required
EVS 101:  Environmental Science:  Environmental Biology
EVS 101L:  Environmental Science Lab: Full Lab Manual and Environmental Biology
EVS 102:  Environmental Science:  System Dynamics:  AP Environmental Science 
EVS 103:  Environmental Science:  Human Impacts: AP Environmental Science 
GEG 102:  Human Geography:  Introduction to Human Geography  Lab Manual
GEG 108:  Water Resources: Concise Hydrology, Water Resource Management
GEL 101:  California Geology: An Introduction to Geology
GEL 102:  Physical Geology: An Introduction to Geology
GEL 103:  History of Earth and Its Life: An Introduction to Geology
GEL 114:  Introduction to Earth Science: Dynamic Earth:  Introduction to Physical Geography  Lab Manual
HEA 106:  Emergency Medical Responder:  Emergency Medical Response
HEA 108:  Emergency Medical Responder (Refresh):  Emergency Medical Response
HIS 104:  Early California History:  Completing Visions:  A History of California
HIS 105:  Modern California History:  Completing Visions:  A History of California
HIS 109:  Women in American History:  Women of Influence
HIS 110:  Multicultural History of the United States:  Race and Ethnicic Relations in the US:  An Intersectional Approach
HIS 111:  History of the United States from the Colonial Period through the 18th Century:  US History
HIS 112:  History of the United States from the Colonial Period through the 19th Century:  US History
HIS 113:  History of the United States from the 20th Century to the Present:  US History
HIS 118:  Calirornia History:  Completing Visions:  A History of California
HIS 127A:  History of World Civilization to 1000:  World History:  Cultures States and Societies to 1500
HIS 127B:  History of World Civilization from 1000 to 1800:  World History Volume 2, from 1400
HIS 127C:  World Civilizations, Part C:  World History Volume 2
HEA 131 BD:  ST:  Emergency Medical Tech:  Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured (Provided free through the library)
JPN 101-103:  Elementary Japanese:  Grammar Video for Genki
JPN 141-143:  Elementary Japanese:  Grammar Video for Genki
JPN 201-203:  Intermediate Japanese: Genki
MAT 109:  Mathematics for Elementary Education:  Understanding Elementary Mathematics
MAT 187:  Basic Arithmetic:  Pre-Algebra
MAT 152A:  Beginning Algebra Part 1:  Elementary Algebra
MAT 152B:  Beginning Algebra Part 2:  Elementary Algebra
MAT 154A:  Intermediate Algebra:  Intermediate Algebra
MAT 103A:  College Algebra Part 1:  Algebra and Trigonometry
MAT 103B:  College Algebra Part 2:  Algebra and Trigonometry
MAT 104:  Trigonometry:  Algebra and Trigonometry
MAT 105:  Calculus Part 1:  Interactive Calculus Q1
MAT 106:  Calculus Part 2:  Interactive Calculus Q2
MAT 107:  Calculus Part 3:  Interactive Calculus Q3
MAT 203:  Linear Algebra: A First Course in Linear Algebra
MAT 204:  Differential Equations:  Differential Equations for Science
MUSIC 104B:  History of Rock Music
MUSIC 101:  Music Listening and Appreciation
MUSIC 104C:  World Music
MUSIC 104E:  The Beatles
PET 106:  First Aid and CPR:  Responding to Emergencies
PHS 117:  Oceanography: Introduction to Physical Oceanography
PHY 104-105-106:  General Physics: College Physics
PHY 107-108-207-208:  General Physics (Calculus):  University Physics 1, University Physics 2, University Physics 3
POL 100:  Introduction to Political Science:  Introduction to Political Science
POL 101:  Introduction to American Government:  American Government
POL 107:  Introduction to Political Theory:  Political Philosophy Reader
POL 204:  Introduction to International Relations:  A Short Introduction to World Politics
POL 206:  A Short Introduction to Comparative Politics: Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics 
PSY 101:  General Psychology: Psychology
PSY 109:  Lifespan Development:  Lifespan Development
PSY 202:  Abnormal Psychology:  Abnormal Psychology Textbook:  Fundamentals of Psychological Disorders
PSY 210:  Introduction to Biological Psychology:  Understanding Biological Psychology
PSY 211:  Research Methods and Design:  Research Methods in Psychology
SOC 101:  Introduction to Sociology:  Introduction to Sociology 2e
SOC 102:  Marriage/Families/Int Relationships:  Social Problems:  Continuity and Change
SOC 114:  Gender:  Canvas Commons , Search for "Gender (Sociology of Gender)"
SPA 101,102:  Elementary Spanish:  Spanish 101 Spanish 102
SPA 131:  ISSI Intermediate Grammar In Depth:  COERLL Materials and Spanish Grammar in Context
SPA 202:  Intermediate Spanish II:  No Textbook Required
SPA 221A:  Spanish for Heritage and Bilingual Speakers: SPA 114 Spanish for Heritage Speakers 2 
SPE 101:  Public Speaking:  The Public Speaking Project
THE 101:  Introduction to Theater:  Theatrical Worlds
THE 105A:  Introduction to Acting
WLD 102:  Introduction to Search and Rescue:  No Textbook Required
AB 798 is the Textbook Affordability Program. It's goal is to save college students money by empowering professors and local campuses to adopt high-quality, free and open educational resources for course materials. Assemblywoman Bonilla (sponsor of AB 798) recognized that free and open educational resources can reduce the total cost of education for students and their families in California's higher education institutions. LTCC's AB 798 proposal will enable the promise of a more affordable education to its students to become a reality.
Funds from AB 798 are to be used for professional development so that faculty and staff learn about open educational resources and how they will make college more affordable for students. Funds cannot be used for the following:
  • Direct compensation for faculty members who adopt open educational resources, except as provided to compensate for professional development.  
  • The development of MOOC's or online courses that include non-matriculated students.
  • The creation of new OER materials.
  • The purchase of new equipment.
  • Past curricular conversions to OER materials
LTCC was awarded a grant to create a pathway for math majors, allowing them to take all of their required courses and receive their AA degree or certificate without buying a single textbook. The main effort was to move from the expensive textbooks and online homework systems that are required in Elementary Algebra through Differential Equations to a free version that is of as high or higher quality compared to the expensive versions. We had a team of 17 mathematics faculty from throughout California working on developing the online homework system for this project. Math faculty at LTCC were also busily planning for the move to OER materials. At this point in time, every math course offered at LTCC is a zero textbook cost course. In addition to the math courses, we created multiple pathways through the general education requirements that students can take without paying a dime for textbooks or ancillary materials.  

ZTC degree pathways are available in the following areas:

  • Business Administration
  • Culinary Arts Certificate
  • Early Childhood Education Certificate and AA
  • Liberal Arts:  Arts and Humanities
  • Mathematics
  • Political Science
  • Psychology

The California senate bill SB 1359 that recently passed requires all California Community Colleges to label all "Zero Cost" textbook courses in the schedule of classes.  Other than tuition, fees for the following course materials are not allow to be required for these zero cost designated courses:

  • Textbooks
  • Online homework systems
  • Workbooks
  • Required supplementary readings

The following costs do not disqualify a course from being counted as a Zero Cost textbook course:

  • Materials such as art supplies
  • Food for a culinary course
  • Fingerprinting for a child development course
  • Calculators and other electronic devices
  • Sporting equipment
  • Equipment for a fire academy course
  • Special clothing

If you have any questions about whether your course counts as a Zero Cost Textbook Course, please contact Larry Green, the Open Educational Resources director.

Questions about Open Educational Resources?  Email Larry Green at