Reconnect To Complete Your Degree

Dedicated Support for Adult Learners Returning to Finish their Degree
You previously enrolled in college, took classes, and earned some college credits. Then, life happened. For whatever reason, you weren’t able to complete your degree. You are not alone; 4 million Californians also have completed some college and don’t have a degree yet.
As a returning student, you might have concerns about returning to college. The cost of a degree, your work schedule, family responsibilities, and health concerns can all affect what your college experience will look like. Your needs as an adult learner are our priority.
Whether you are looking for career advancement, to make your family proud, ensure job security, or are looking for a more fulfilling life, finishing your degree can help you achieve your goals.
We offer returning adults a streamlined pathway back to LTCC by helping you navigate adult student life. By addressing your personal educational needs, finding resources, and guiding you every step of the way, we are here to help you graduate as quickly as possible.
We're Here to Help
- Offer a clear path for applying to LTCC, enrolling in classes, and finding financial support.
- Priority textbook and technology lending through the library.
- Access to Priority Registration - register for the classes you need before they fill up!
- One-on-One support and personalized action plans.
- Returning Student Orientations and Success Workshops.
- Accessing and using new learning technologies.
- Social support and a sense of community as an adult learner.
- Connections to campus and community resources.
- Free field trips to 4-year universities.
- And much more!
Get access to dedicated help every step of the way.
In-Person, Virtual, and Phone Appointments Available, Walk-ins welcome!
Visit Reconnect to Complete on campus in the Promise office, Call us at (530) 541-4660, ext. 157, Email, or Make an appointment on Cranium Cafe.
You May be Closer to a Degree Than You Think - Get Started Today →
- Daphné BrunStudent Completion Specialistemail