
Lake Tahoe Community College (LTCC) is committed to making a participatory governance structure focused on collegiality and consultation. Various councils and committees guide the achievement of LTCC's mission and strategic goals.

Lake Tahoe Community College District Board of Trustees recognizes that faculty, administration, staff, and students possess diverse experiences and knowledge; and to not utilize these resources would be a wasted opportunity. The Board of Trustees (BOT) encourages productive participation in governance from all sources to develop accurate and appropriate educational policies.

In order to create effective policy, it is imperative for all parties who partake in the governance process to be genuinely committed to our students, our vocation, and our institution. To LTCC, participating effectively in governance means to have a respect for divergent opinions, confidence in other participators, and a penchant to cooperate for the better of the institution. It is the objective that all participants to collectively develop recommendations for governing board action. With this goal in mind, LTCC uses consensus decision-making as the definitive way to participate effectively.

Consensus decision-making is fashioned to create a collaborative environment where all group members can voice concerns before making the best possible decision for a shared proposal. Additionally, it acknowledges the need for all groups participants to submit equal input into the process. The consensus decision-making encourages members to place the good of the group above individual goals and preferences.



The current structure of governance at LTCC was first established as a result of the College-wide Governance Summit in 2012, as a result of survey results and preparation of the 2010 Institutional Self-Evaluation Report (ISER) submitted to the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC). At the time, the newly restructured Institutional Effectiveness Council (IEC) was charged with the ongoing assessment of the overall effectiveness of the new governance system. Their evaluation included a biennial Governance Council Self-Evaluation Survey which was conducted in the Spring of 2013 and 2015.

During the 2015-16 and 2016-17 Academic Years, the results of these surveys were reviewed by the participatory councils and additional revisions to the structure and process were identified. These changes included the expansion of the College Learning Council to the College Learning and Enrollment Management Council, closer alignment of council membership representation and numbers, and merging the Organization and Governance Handbook with the Governance Bylaws Handbook into this single Governance Handbook. These changes go into effect in the Fall of 2017.

For more information about LTCC's governance process please refer to the LTCC Governance Handbook for 2017-2018 by clicking on the image below. To find more information about specific Governance Councils, please refer to the bar on the left hand side of the screen. To view council minutes, agendas, Administrative Procedures and Board Policies, or other information please refer to BoardDocs.

LTCC Governance Handbook Cover

Governance Chart

Governance Chart