Current and Returning Students

If you are a student using Student Accessibility Services (SAS), you must request academic accommodations at least once per quarter to maintain your active SAS status and continue receiving your academic accommodations. You can request accommodations online using your SAS Student Portal. You can also request accommodations in person by visiting the High-Tech Lab in Room E106 (first floor in the Main Building). 

We will review your accommodations annually and work with you to ensure that you are gaining the maximum benefit from your educational experience. You may stop by the Access Lab to schedule an appointment, or contact us by phone at (530) 541-4660 x249.

When requesting your SAS-approved exam accommodations, please complete the Proctoring Request available in your SAS Student Portal. When your request is received, a SAS staff member will contact your instructor and coordinate your exam at the same time as the class period. Please complete the request or contact SAS to schedule your exam at least 4 days prior to the exam. 

Students who qualify for SAS have access to a number of related services including use of the High-Tech Lab (Room E106), counseling support, and disability-related academic accommodations. 

If you run into any college-related problems, please contact a SAS staff member right away. We want to help you resolve whatever the issue is before it becomes a bigger problem. If any of your accommodations are not working for you, let us know and we can discuss possible modifications. We are happy to advocate for you and support you in successfully completing your goals at LTCC.

student accessibility services
  • Kellie Greiner
    Kellie Greiner
    Student Accessibility Services Director
  • Dr. Beth Marinelli-Laster
    Dr. Beth Marinelli-Laster
    Learning Disability Specialist