Elementary Teacher Education

The goal of the Associate in Arts in Elementary Teacher Education for Transfer Degree
at Lake Tahoe Community College is to provide a clearly articulated curricular track
for students who wish to transfer to a CSU campus, serve the diverse needs of students
interested in the breadth and depth of the field of Elementary Teacher Education,
expose students to the core principles and practices of a liberal studies curriculum
in order to build a foundation for their future personal, academic, or professional
paths, and give students a foundation that is appropriate for entry into advanced
study in teacher preparation.
With an advanced degree, such as a baccalaureate, the Elementary Teacher Education AA-T program will prepare students for possible career opportunities as a credentialed teacher grades K-12. Careers related to this field include public or private instructional assistant or classroom aide (grades K-8), private tutor, publishing and textbook salesperson, and curriculum and test developer.
Students are strongly encouraged to see a counselor if considering this transfer option.
To obtain the Associate in Arts in Elementary Teacher Education for Transfer degree,
students must complete the following requirements:
1. Completion of 60 semester units or 90 quarter units that are eligible for transfer
to the California State University, including both of the following:
(A) The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California
State University General Education – Breadth Requirements.
(B) A minimum of 18 semester units or 27 quarter units in a major or area of emphasis,
as determined by the community college district.
2. Obtainment of a minimum grade point average of 2.0.
See current catalog for details.
75.25 units distributed as follows:
1. All courses from the following (63.25 units):
BIO 110 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology (5)
ECE 102/PSY 102 Child and Adolescent Growth and Development (4)
EDU 100 Introduction to Elementary Classroom Teaching (5.25)
ENG 101 Reading and Compositions (5)
ENG 102 Introduction to Literature (4)
GEG 103 World Regional Geography (4)
GEL 114 Introduction to Earth Sciences (5)
HIS 111 History of the United States from the Colonial Period Through The 18th Century
HIS 112 History of the United States in the 19th Century (4)
HIS 127A History of World Civilizations to 1000 (4)
HIS 127B History of World Civilizations from 1000 to 1800 (4)
MAT 109 Mathematics for Elementary Education (5)
PHS 102 Survey of Concepts in Chemistry and Physics (5)
POL 101 Introduction to American Government and Politics (4)
SPE 101 Public Speaking (4)
2. Select the following course (5 units):
ENG 103 Critical Reasoning: Writing the Research Paper (5)
3. Select one of the following courses (4 units):
MUS 101 Music Appreciation (4)
THE 101 Introduction to Theatre (4)
C. ELECTIVE UNITS to bring the total to 90.
There are A NUMBER OF STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS that you can apply for each spring. Scholarships make it possible to earn money for college that does not ever need to be repaid. While some of LTCC's scholarships are competitive, there is a wide variety available you can apply for for free that are awarded based on all kinds of qualities and interests.
See more degrees and certificates in the Society, Culture, & Education Meta Major →
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Lake Tahoe Community College
One College Drive
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
(530) 541-4660 x 211