Purchasing Department

The mission of the Lake Tahoe Community College Purchasing Department is to provide efficient and responsive procurement services, and to obtain high-quality goods and services at reasonable costs while operating at the highest standards of ethical conduct.

The Purchasing Department is responsible for the procurement of materials, equipment, and services for the College District. Our objective is to obtain the best quality products and services for the best price, in a fair, open, and competitive manner, in compliance with California state statutes and District policies.

If you need further assistance or have any questions, please email purchasing@ltcc.edu.

Important Vendor Notices

DIR Registration Fee Increase and Small Project Exemption - Effective July 1, 2017

Current Requests for Proposals/Qualifications

Click here for PlanetBids access to register for District project documents. 

  • RFP #22-23-002 - Student Housing Building Project 

The District has adopted the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (CUPCCAA), which governs public works procurements. In accordance with the Act, the District maintains a list of contractors identified according to categories of work. Once a contractor is established on District's Qualified Contractor List, the contractor will be notified of informal bidding projects between $60,000 and $200,000.

Vendors who are interested in being included on the LTCC District's Qualified Contractor list for informal bidding of public works projects should complete the New Vendor Registration located in our PlanetBids Portal. Vendors will automatically get prompted to renew/update their information each calendar year.

Please keep in mind that it is the vendor's responsibility to provide any updates to the vendor's address, contact persons, and contact information to the District to avoid misdirected communication.

For additional information, please contact the Purchasing Department at purchasing@ltcc.edu.

It should be noted that SB 854 became effective July 1, 2014, and requires contractors to register with the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) prior to bidding or performing work on public works and/or repair and maintenance projects.

• $25,000 for new construction, alteration, installation, demolition or repair

• $15,000 for maintenance

The completion of the above mentioned Contractor Application Form does not fulfill the DIR requirement. For information regarding SB 854, please visit https://www.dir.ca.gov/Public-Works/PublicWorksLawsRegsDetDec.html.

Bid Results

RFP #22-23-001 Student Housing Site Work Project - April 25, 2023

RFP #21-22-006 Equipment Storage Facility (ESF) Project - July 13, 2022

RFP #21-22-005 - Custodial Services - RFP closed due to lack of interest

RFP #21-22-004 - Equipment Storage Facility (ESF) Project Not awarded

RFP #20-21-001 - Remodel for Efficiency (RFE) Project - July 22, 2021

RFQ #19-20-005 - Construction Testing & Special Inspection for Early Learning CenterJune 9, 2020

RFP #19-20-004 Early Learning Center Lease-LeasebackFebruary 28, 2020

RFP #19-20-003 Art Lab Air Quality ProjectFebruary 25, 2020

RFP #19-20-002 Learning Resource Center Renovations - January 28, 2020

RFP #18-19-002 - Independent Audit Services - February 12, 2019

RFP #18-19-001 - Vending Services - January 22, 2019

RFP #17-18-004 - Custodial ServicesJune 26, 2018

RFP #17-18-003 - Mobility Hub, Classroom Renovation, & UC Parking Lease Leaseback

RFP #17-18-002F Coyote Legacy StatueFebruary 12, 2018

RFP #16-17-009 Main Building Commons Renovation - April 27, 2017

RFP #16-17-001 University Center Lease-Leaseback April 17, 2017

RFP #16-17-008 Prop 39 Site Lighting Phase 4 March 28, 2017