Academic Senate Members

Bruce Armbrust
Bruce Armbrust
Academic Senate President 
Kellie GreinerKellie Greiner
Academic Senate Vice President




Counselor Nicole Bergner

Nicole Bergner
Academic Senate Secretary



Area 1: Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Mathematics, Physics

Sean Ryland
Area 2: Anthropology/Sociology, Art, English, History/Political Science, Library, Music, Psychology, Theatre

Julie Ewing
Area 3: Counseling and Disability Resources

Sarah Williams
Dr. Melanie Aponte-Chu
Area 4: Business, Physical Education, Wilderness Education

Dr. Walter Morris
Adjunct Senators

Solange Schwalbe
Melinda Button
Agendas & Minutes

 All Academic Senate agendas and minutes from 2014-current are archived and can be found in Board Docs. Please contact Kellie Greiner with any questions related to records.

Academic Senate meetings occur two Fridays per month from 11am-1pm, and all are welcome to attend.